Friday, March 15, 2013

The Ides of March


  1. I wonder if the badend boys are going to win in the Supreme Court?

    1. Who knows?

      Even if they do win, that doesn't mean it's going to be viewed as a normal form of sexuality. It still will be an aberrant form of

      Hopefully, if they do give bucks the right to marry/join civilly, we'll get some protection on the books concerning their leering/peeping in public bathrooms.

      'Equal protection', remember?

    2. Thanks Bucky, you add a lot to this discussion. A lot of people are afraid to tell the truth anymore. Political correctness you know?

    3. I'm just waiting until that nincompoop, Rush, shows up. He's always good for a good laugh.

      Hee gotta love it.

    4. Yeah, I kinda miss the ole nitwit. You can't make up the kind of comments he used to come up with.

      Yeah, Bucky. I'd like to have heard Einstein's analysis of the type of neuronic synapses ole Rush has. Wooooowieeeee! Yowsir...yowsir! A wild night in L.A. wouldn't even compare.

    5. Wonder what's going on in the Supreme Ct? I'm sure the Badend Boys want to know too.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Prior to making a decision on same sex marriage, I think the Supreme Court justices should be compelled to watch heterosexual and homosexual (particular two males) couples make love. I defy any one of the nine justices to tell me afterwards that same sex marriage is the same. The stench alone would or should be enough to convince them that it is not.

    1. Very valid point Bucky. Seeing, or in this case, smelling is believing.

    2. Thanks again Bucky for looking at these issues in realistic terms. Sometimes these liberals sweep the details under the rug.

    3. smell test


      smell test (plural smell tests)
      1.(idiomatic) An informal method for determining whether something is authentic, credible, or ethical, by using one's common sense or sense of propriety.

    4. It's also a human sensory perception to an unpleasant or pleasant event.

      Fecal material stinks.

  4. MTV's "Buckwild" Star Shain Gandee Found Dead in West Virginia

    Sorry to hear about this. He has to be related to me somehow.

    1. Unfortunately, MTV has decided to cancel the hit show 'Buckwild'.

      I hate to hear it. It was one of my favorite shows.

  5. CBS News has obtained Adam Lanza's college records. When asked what sex he was, he answered: I choose not to answer.


    1. I think he had just few issues......BEFORE he shot all of those people.

    2. It was tha guns! They caused that poor boy to shoot those people.

      Shut up liberals!

    3. Of course, liberals' solution to the shootings is to take away law abiding people's rights.

  6. Newtown parents employ common-sense, something lacking in liberals' brains.

  7. I saw where Rhode Island approved gay marriage. Good. I hope we can draw those people to certain areas of the country, that way, I'll know which bathrooms to stay out of.

  8. Allowing gays and straights to share locker rooms begs the question of whether we should stop segregating these spaces by sex altogether. If gays can shower with straight guys, shouldn’t straight guys be able to shower with women? In principle, this seems like a reasonable conclusion—until you take into account our current gender and power dynamics. Women are regularly victimized by men; this includes not only being disproportionately the victims of sexual assault and rape, but everyday harassment like being cat-called while walking down the street. Like all-women’s colleges, sex-segregated changing facilities provide women a sanctuary from these pressures. So long as our culture puts up with and encourages such behavior, women should be able to keep the boys out of the locker room.


    Gay men never make passes at straight men either. Right?

    1. How about some laws that provide straight people some 'sanctuary' from gays?

  9. Anybody besides me wish the old forum would fire back up?

    1. I guess not. I really put on those poor, pathetic liberals that came in here. I guess they've had enough of reality. Back to la la land, it seems.


  10. France: Huge gay marriage protest turns violent in Paris

    About 400,000 traditionalists take to streets to oppose new law

    At least the French know perversion when they see it.

  11. The Southern Baptist Convention, the country’s largest Protestant denomination, will soon urge its 45,000 congregations and 16 million members to cut ties with the Scouts, according to church leaders.

    Well, these radical, left-wing, politically correct liberals have gone and done it now. 16 million straight boys won't be able to enjoy the benefits of scouting because liberals want to force a perverted lifestyle down their throats.

    1. Why, Oh Why? Do liberals continue to force their bizarre perspectives of right and wrong onto others?

      Who in the world wants to wake up in tent with some horny, homosexual 14 year old, I would like to ask? That's not the type of life's lessons boys need to learn at such an early age.

      If you think the above thought is distasteful, just throw in a horny, hairy, fifty year old homosexual man into the mix. That's coming next.
