Saturday, March 10, 2012

Winston-Salem Journal LTE SA 03/10/12

The general welfare
Voting is as easy as the public interest and as difficult as the private gain. Who pays and who benefits facilitates each exercise of the ballot.
When taxes are fair, meaning proportionate to income and wealth, justice is served. When the public's needs and interest are met, the public benefits and the general welfare are served. Understood accordingly, universal health care and education, with safety and sanitation, must be enabled by continually developing agriculture, communication, transportation and defense.
Each citizen should ask him or herself: Do I, my family, my friends, community and nations possess the medical care and schooling from primary through graduate school to serve collective and personal needs and interests? Do we have adequate police and fire coverage with infrastructure efficacy and repair? To wit, are we protected in the air, on the ground, at our borders and in our neighborhoods — with state-of-the-art vehicles and equipment, highways and water and sewage, including the broadest of bands and the deepest of research?
Treated this way, equality is reached and inequality denied.

Rush's apology
Finally Rush Limbaugh's rabid diatribe has caught up with him, even for a few of his loyal listeners. It took at least nine sponsors to withdraw their sponsorships to force him to apologize to Sandra Fluke. He would never have done it otherwise.
He receives $56 million a year from his sponsors, and he is not about to give that up. He got so frustrated at the possibility of that loss that he apologized three times in one hour.
Rush Limbaugh has always promoted hatred of Democrats or anyone with a different opinion from his, always disregarding facts, because usually most people who would listen to him will believe anything he says.

Medicare revolution
Medicare is the single largest cause of the looming debt crisis in America. Medicare represents 17.3 percent of 2010 GDP. To solve the debt crisis for our grandchildren we must address Medicare now.
The "premium support" alternative of Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., would convert us from the current "fee for service" to a scalable, marketplace product. Each senior would receive a fixed amount to buy health insurance. The poor would receive more support to offset out-of-pocket expenses, and the rich less. Payment would further be risk-adjusted for the very sick to assure full coverage.
Complicated? You betcha. But insurance companies would compete for the business at three levels: low option, base option and high option. Medicare is currently an open-ended system where expenditures are uncontrolled and unsustainable. Premium support would provide broader coverage with funds from the high option to support the base option. Premium support would be capped at inflation or moves in GDP plus 50 basis points. Medicare has been rising over 6 percent annually.
Now here is the good news: premium support works regardless of who wins the election. Obamacare created the Independent Payment Advisory Board. The board lacks the enforcement tools to limit increases. Even if it did, doctors would reduce services (supply) and force hospitals to close from lack of procedures until prices (demand) pick up.
Ryan's plan is not perfect and there are some bugs to work out, but please vote often and early.

Christian hate, hypocrisy
What has happened to many of my Christian sisters and brothers? The hatred and hypocrisy spewed by many have made me sit back and wonder why this is happening. Blatant hatred directed toward a Christian president is so embarrassing — and to add that the president doesn't love his country is unbelievable ("Go Graham," March 2)! Who are these people to judge?
I truly believe a segment of our population is so threatened by a changing country and world and remain "closet" bigots that we will never move beyond this hate-filled mindset until these folks fade away. Could they really say that if President Obama's skin was white instead of black, they would have such disrespect and hatred for him? They should get real with themselves.
In my opinion, today's extreme conservatism equals hypocrisy. They just pick the parts of the Bible that fit their mindset and conveniently ignore other parts. If this country continues to be kidnapped by this way of thinking, then it is a fact that our children will have a very bleak future indeed.
I know that many will say I'm wrong, but all I ask is for once that they just be truthful with themselves. By the way, I guess I'm reading a different Bible or maybe some pages are left out of theirs. Please re-read the Sermon on the Mount.

Rural Hall
Finish the Thought
Briefly complete the sentence below and send it to us at We'll print some of the results in a few days. Only signed entries, please, no anonymous ones.
"Mitt Romney could close the deal by …"


  1. I'm back, faulty modem replaced.

  2. Ahhh, those "faulty modems". Darn things. Kind of like "round up the usual suspects".

  3. "Mitt Romney could close the deal by …" Walking on the water Mr Obama failed to.

  4. Christian hate and hypocracy. They just pick the parts they like? Well, who wants to read the parts they don't want? Odd religion that would be. The REALLY good ones can read the Bible from right to left just like those that stop with the first 5 Books. The Amish are really big on just one Book.

  5. Medicare will be reformed or we will all get to admire it corpse.

  6. Limbaugh doesn't hate Democrats. He hates the Left. Much of the world does.

  7. Comrade Cam. Please give us the name of the book you are lifting text from. We can then read ahead and get the punchline.

  8. Whew! All caught up.

  9. Ms. Logan's last sentence is all any real Christian needs. " the Sermon on the Mount."

    Of course, that is one of the parts of the Bible that phony christians like Pat Robertson, Franklin Graham, Rick Santorum and the fools on the County Commission want most to avoid, because every time they think a thought or open their mouths they violate half a dozen of the laws contained therein.

    And in Matthew 6:5-8, Jesus tells Christians not only how to pray, but what to say, pointing out that what we have come to know as "The Lord's Prayer" covers everything that needs to be covered in any prayer. Yet every day, millions of so-called christians continue to blurt out their own selfish prayers, thinking that they can somehow improve on god's words. What arrogance...all passengers on the ship of fools.

  10. Marcialito Cam is a 77 year old Asian-American Winston-Salem resident. Blind since age 9 and a former college professor, he has published around ten books of fiction, poetry and essays.

    His papers are held by the libraries at Adelphi University and Franklin & Marshall University.

    He does not need to quote other people to write a coherent and factually accurate, not to mention non-partisan, LTE like the one above.

    It would be nice to see more such LTEs...maybe some of the comments on this forum would rise to the same level.

    1. I Googled him...I didn't realize he was so accomplished. I'm impressed.

    2. There's way more of him around. Unfortunately, too few of them write LTEs.

      Keep in mind that we have three universities, one excellent small college, an outstanding community college and a ton of high end bio-medical research outfits here...

      Despite our forum's own little moron, that is an awfully high concentration of brain power for a city of 240,000.

  11. Ms. Logan is a classic liberal. She thinks it's okay to call people names and describe them in a hateful way because other people are 'wrong' in her eyes.

    What are other people 'guilty' of in her eyes? Not having the same views as her. Talk about intolerance, bigotry, and hate. Wait a minute...isn't that how she just described her Christian brothers and sisters?
