Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Winston-Salem Journal LTE's WE 10/12/11

Absolute values
In regard to the Oct. 3 letter "Speak out" in which the writer advocates that "absolute Christian values" be spread throughout the land and suggests that they are the only absolute values, I would like to speak out and disagree.
Jesus was a wonderful teacher, but there were and are other good teachers. I base my family relationships on the teachings of Confucius. You could call them "heathen absolute values." My dealings with those less fortunate are based on the teachings of Marcus Aurelius, which are expressed by the phrase "noblesse oblige," which is the motto of every high-school National Honor Society in the country. You could call those "pagan absolute values."
I even have "cowboy absolute values." When Joe wants to take his guns to town and kill the evildoers, his wife, Miriam, argues that violence is no answer. She asks Shane to help her out, and Shane replies, "I can't tell Joe what's right."
A famous Methodist pastor put it better: "You can't know God by listening to a preacher."

Health-care problems
I would like to address the Obama health-care issue as it relates to someone like me and the majority of Americans. When one gets to an age where health problems develop and insurance is no longer provided by employers and you paying the premium, and you are too young for Medicare, what are you supposed to do? Even if I had money saved, one heart attack or bout with cancer would wipe it out.
Also, if you have one of these terrible problems, there is no insurance company that will insure you unless you want to pay thousands a month.
As for me, I have insurance through my wife's job, but if she were to be laid off, I would be without insurance because of my condition (heart and diabetic), and my life would be shortened. I am writing this in hopes of making people think and consider that this can happen to them and not to pay attention to all these naysayers and sound-bites.
If there is anyone who thinks I am wrong or any insurance company would like to insure me, please acknowledge through this letters column. Again, no right-wing sound-bites or propaganda.

Missed the mark
I don't know quite what to make of the Occupy Wall Street movement. It's exciting, but what do they expect to gain? Do they expect Wall Street to surrender?
I do know, though, that presidential candidate Herman Cain, when commenting on the movement, missed the mark. According to news reports, he said, "Don't be jealous, don't be envious," as if the protestors were demanding Learjets and diamond rings. I suspect most of them would be happy to be paid a decent wage for a decent day's work — to be able to pay their utility bills and medical bills and have a little financial security — if only such a thing existed. It doesn't anymore for about 14 million Americans.
And when Cain lectures them about "taking from those who have succeeded and giving it to those who want to protest," concluding, "that's not the way America was built," he forgets that much of America was built on the backs of slaves and low-wage workers who picked up the crumbs that their "betters" dropped.
All this "jealous of the rich" nonsense is a smokescreen to deny decent working people their wages. Do we want a president who feels that way about working Americans? I don't.

No entitlement right
Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan is asserting that the bank has a "right to make a profit" as justification for its very unpopular new $5 debit card fee. I disagree. While corporations exist to try to make a profit, some succeed and some fail. There is no government-entitlement right to make a profit. And this is especially true in the case of Bank of America.
Bank of America exists only because the taxpayers bailed it out. Now it thinks it is entitled to corporate welfare forever.
This is the United States of America, not the United States of Corporate America. In spite of what the corporate puppets on the Supreme Court say, we are a nation of The People, and the government exists to serve The People, not the corporations.



  1. I would like to address the Obama health-care issue as it relates to someone like me and the majority of Americans.

    Richard Smith

    The majority of Americans are in the same situation you are Mr. Smith. They have health care coverage and they were happy with it. Obamacare merely covers uninsured people and will eventually force Americans like yourself into some type of government run healthcare program. The latter part is what people don't want. People tried to tell the Democrats they didn't want that form of healthcare, but the Democrats rammed it down our throats under the premise that it would reduce healthcare costs. In the short term, our healthcare costs have risen after Obamacare was passed.

    It's really quite stunning that Obama is moving the country toward a socialist state after all the people that fought and died to defend our past form of governance and way of life.


    Rush/KittyKat/nitwit/'re an idiot. I call you an idiot every chance I get.

    An idiot, dolt, or dullard is a mentally deficient person, or someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way.

  2. Mr Perry...our government has outgrown its people. The people now realize it.

  3. Mr Carroll...let the "Pee Party" occupy Wall Street and the TEA Party occupy the White House.

  4. Mr Smith...I understand your plight. I have one recently myself- cancer. Competive reform of insurance coverage is where the answer lies, not in the eventual takeover of healthcare as "nationalized healthcare" which is the end game of Obama Care.

  5. "as it relates to someone like me and the majority of Americans."

    Always putting yourself before others, bucky.

  6. Mr Rancourt....values? Man o man! Awhile back, our mothers knew of values and their mothers before them. If mothers no longer impart values, who or what fills the void?

  7. Got to love people who rattle on about things that they know nothing about. Need to study up on what the term "socialism" actually means. The USA has been a socialist state for a long time and could not function without its socialized institutions.

    A brief and quite incomplete list of examples. Virtually every one of these was vigorously protested at the time of implementation by cheapskate know nothings like the BuckingBoy:

    Water and sewer systems
    Public schools
    Police department
    Fire department
    Postal service
    Garbage collection
    Public landfills
    Museums and parks
    Court system
    Jails & prisons
    Unemployment insurance
    Snow removal
    Street lights

  8. As usual, Rush/KittyKat/Idiot/ left out other parts fo the definition of 'socialism'. You, obviously, think you are talking to your usual group of friends, which I'm sure primarily consists of nitwits.

    When are you going to learn that you can't just use part of something and then say it means so and so?

    Rush/KittyKat/Idiot/'re an idiot. I call you an idiot every chance I get.

    An idiot, dolt, or dullard is a mentally deficient person, or someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way.

  9. As usual, a reading comprehension problem. I didn't leave out any part of the definition of socialism because I didn't attempt to define socialism at all. Instead I suggested that a certain person, or persons, who will not be named here, might want to study up a bit. Of course, the singular person has such a vast need to study up on so many things that I doubt if four years, or even eight, spent at a real college would suffice.

    As to the rest, the parrot parrots on.

  10. Bucky, how can we trust you to spend more of your own money efficiently and wisely when you can't even do it with words?

  11. I'll bet BuckBark spends all his money on the lottery. People like him should be in the 97% tax bracket because they lack the maturity and judgment to spend their money wisely.

    Of course, since he is permanently unemployed, even at 97% we would get less than a dollar from him.

  12. Bad news for nitwits like Rush/KittyKat/Idiot/ a recent poll, Obama loses to Romney 54 to 41%.

    Our master, resident nitwit reminds me a lot of Nancy Pelosi. He/she/it doesn't even have a clue of what he's saying until he says it. Then he/she/it wonders why people are laughing at the content of his/her/its statement.

    I would also like to make note that one our famous nitwits failed to post today-dotnet. After his boneheaded statement yesterday regarding jobs and regulations, I guess he was too embarassed to come back in.

  13. Good evening, folks!

    Someone please contact the Nobel Committee. This forum is due the prize in Biology. We have isolated the troll genome.

    Bucky, I suspect that dotnet was working today in a benighted area that doesn't allow access to this site.

  14. Apparently BuckBottom is misciting the latest Pew poll. Guess his reading and comprehension skills are not improving.

    The most interesting part of the Pew poll shows that the number of registered Republicans continues to shrink rapidly, now down to just 27% of all registered voters, barely one out of four.

    Independents passed Republicans earlier this year and now make up 34% of registered voters. Democrats continue to lead, but now just by a single percentage point at 35%.

  15. I'm one of the reasons for the R's decline. I would like to see the Dems decline also.

  16. I would like to see the Dems decline too. I'll spare the reading public by not mentioning a figure.

  17. Oh, the Dems ARE declining as well, just much more slowly. 4 out of 5 switchers are coming from the GOP. But it is just a matter of time before independents pass the Dems as well.

    One of my oldest friends, a professor of political science who does consulting work for both "major" parties and others says he wouldn't be surprised to see independent numbers rise to 42% by next year, with the bulk of the change coming from the GOP, leaving Dems at 34% and the Rs at 20%. At that point, the GOP would be marginalized and there would actually be hope for the formation of a new, centrist major party. We can only hope.

  18. I agree: Christian Republican, Centrist, and Labor sound about right for the parties. Ultimately, I suspect one of the three would become even more marginalized, a la the Liberal Party in the UK.

  19. Evening folks!
    LTE 1: As good an explanation as any why I find these theological arguments like the referenced LTE useless. What comprises an "absolute value" differs from person to person as Mr. Rancourt correctly points out.
    LTE 2: What are you supposed to do? Well, according to some attendees of a recent R debate, you're supposed to suffer then die. That's one of several reasons I could never be an R. Mr. Smith's unfortunate plight shows why the current system doesn't work. He could face financial ruin simply for becoming ill. To me, that's unacceptable.
    LTE 3: The OWS appears to be a venting of a lot of frustation. They see the middle class being punished for the sins of those who caused the meltdown who, in turn, are prospering more than ever before. They also see the govt being on the side of the malefactors and enacting policies to enable them to profit even more at the expense of the have-nots. Mr. Cain's "let them eat cake" response only furthers their suspicions.
    LTE 4: BOA has the right to charge their customers extra fees. BOA's customers have the right to walk. BOA's decision may prove to be a poor one.

  20. Bucky, you failed to answer my quiz. I knew it would be over your head.

  21. All sounds interesting. A realignment may happen by registration, but voting habits may become less sure. I have never understood a centrist party- or moderate party. Without the left and the right, how will the centrist party know what to be centrist about?

  22. I have a lot of friends who are registered 'independents'. However, most all vote for Republicans because they are well read and intelligent people. I, generally, take any direct exposure to 'nitwits' out of my personal life.

    Most of these so called 'independents' are in fact Democrats or Republicans in one form or another. Sadly, they have fallen to politically correct pressure to not be associated with one party or the other, because they fear being attacked, particularly by the liberal left.

    So let us all not be fooled by these so called 'independents'.

    Rush/KittyKat/Idiot/'re an idiot.

    An idiot, dolt, or dullard is a mentally deficient person, or someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way.
