Sunday, April 22, 2012

Winston-Salem Journal LTE SU 04/22/12

A companion for man
In the April 16 article, "Panel calls marriage ban problematic," the Rev. Chantal McKinney, associate rector at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Winston-Salem, said that the Bible says all people are made in the image of God, so nobody should be discriminated against. She also states, "I am opposed to this amendment because I believe Jesus would be opposed to this amendment."
In Genesis 1:27, Scripture tells us that "God created people in his own image" and Scripture also tells us in Genesis 2:18 -25 that God made a companion for man, and this companion was called "woman." It was God's idea to make woman for Adam, it wasn't man's idea. God is holy and his word is true. So, I would ask Rev. McKinney: Why would God be opposed to marriage only being between a man and a woman, something he created, ordained and blessed?

It's clearly discriminatory
The fact that Amendment One is clearly discriminatory is hardly debatable. While the amendment is clearly aimed at the LGBTQ community, as written it will have far-reaching effects on heterosexual couples as well. I wonder if those who proposed the amendment developed an economic plan to finance the legal costs the state will incur.
The real problem with Amendment One is that it relegates part of the citizenry to second-class status.
The evangelical right has used the Bible to bolster its platform on this referendum, much as it did with laws during the Jim Crow days. This is a perfect example of the evangelical right trying to create amendments to our state's constitution using a religious text as a rational platform. Theocracy is the term that comes to mind.
Has anyone reminded the Republican Party that the idea of separation of church and state is at issue here? I can't believe that there are not a large number of Republicans as well as Christians who are embarrassed with this tactic. While singling out the LGBTQ community to vent its hate and bias against, it has done a good job of offending a large number of religious communities as well.
The evangelical Republicans might do well to examine their consciences to come to the understanding that we thrive best in an atmosphere of tolerance and inclusiveness. Let us be the only Southern state that says no to discrimination so we can be proud that we are North Carolinians.

Their personal views
If you ask people to describe a perfect world, you will get a wide variety of answers. Adolph Hitler wanted a pure Aryan race, as do white supremacists. Even in our North Carolina history, certain individuals were considered undesirable and were sterilized without their permission. Some people cannot see beyond their restricted personal views.
Amendment One affects the future of many of our citizens, gay and straight, but those supporting the amendment often look at only the same-sex marriage aspect. Everyone has a right to their personal and religious views, but we seem to have become a selfish society that thinks others should live by "my" standards and not what is good for our state as a whole. We are each a different-shaped piece that together makes up the complete puzzle, but none is more or less important than any other.
Homosexuals are not going to disappear whether this amendment passes or fails. They still will not be allowed to marry, but they will continue to be our neighbors and co-workers. If marriage is good for society, then we should support all consenting adults in having that option.
Voting "No" on Amendment One is sending a message to our neighbors, co-workers and all the LGBT community that each of us is important to this state and we want them to be a part of our future. Together we can work, worship, play and learn from each other. That would be my idea of a "perfect world."

The liberal thought process
I don't care if gay people get married. However, this debate does give everyone a chance to look into the thought process of a liberal.
The writer of the April 14 letter "The same people" gives everyone a scary picture of what happens in the liberal mind. Somehow the writer equates Amendment One to male privilege and old miscegenation laws, which were in fact enforced and supported by Democrats in the old South, not Republicans. Then this flight of fancy takes this "male privilege" rant to being anti-union, racist and anti-foreign, all to protect their wealth.
Then the absolute capper is the "fascist partisanship" of Roman Catholicism and Islam that has kept women barefoot and pregnant. And the Inquisition and Joe McCarthy are on the horizon.
Are you kidding me?

Sum It Up
What would happen if one took every verse of the Bible literally?


  1. LTE #1... Wes's wife? Genesis: starts out with a bang when Able is killed by Cain.
    Exodus: god chooses a community organizer, Moses, over a wealthy job creator, Pharoah.
    Leviticus: god goes crazy with laws he knows will be overturned, may have something to do with the sweet savor of burnt innocent animals. Careful what you sniff.

  2. LTE #4... any resemblance between Democrats of the old South and Democrats today is purely coincidental. Same goes for Republicans. The early Republicans wanted to tax and spend, build infrastructure, especially railroads and ports, but the southern democrats were agin' it. Kinda like comparing "God, so atrocious in the Old Testament, (to God) so attractive in the New - the Jekyll and Hyde of sacred romance." Mark Twain

    1. Excerpts from the 1856 Republican Party Platform:

      Resolved, That the highwayman's plea, that "might makes right," embodied in the Ostend Circular, was in every respect unworthy of American diplomacy, and would bring shame and dishonor upon any Government or people that gave it their sanction.

      Resolved, That a railroad to the Pacific Ocean by the most central and practicable route is imperatively demanded by the interests of the whole country, and that the Federal Government ought to render immediate and efficient aid in its construction, and as an auxiliary thereto, to the immediate construction of an emigrant road on the line of the railroad.

      Resolved, That appropriations by Congress for the improvement of rivers and harbors, of a national character, required for the accommodation and security of our existing commerce, are authorized by the Constitution, and justified by the obligation of the Government to protect the lives and property of its citizens.

  3. Good AM, Bob et al. Dad continues in a coma, declining.

    I agree with Hoglund's LTE at least in part, as he notes stereotyping by the left. I am, as is well known, very much anti-union, but am not anti-foreign or racist. Well, I despise the not-so Reverends Al and Jesse, so I suspect in leftist eyes I am racist.

    Sum It Up: One would experience a considerable amount of dissonance in reconciling the teachings of the Old Testament with those of the New Testament.

    1. Morning Mike. You're no racist and if anyone says you are I've saved some of my strongest words. Your dad is an extraordinary man, as exampled by you, one of his sons, and his medal case in the living room. Let me know what I can do.

    2. Stab: your dad is a strong man, I can feel it from here.

      Stereotyping by left . . . ? The fact that the letter is written by someone on the right about the left is itself stereotypical, Stab.

    3. Hello, LaSombra. Yes, stereotyping goes both ways, but I note that frequently more vociferous members of the left tend make 1-dimensional specters out people who diverge for from the Left's orthodoxy.

    4. Yeah...Kenny boy talks about the scary liberal mind. I think he's the one doing the generalizing here.

      As far as the fascist partisanship of the Catholic Church goes, I think that's more true about the conference of bishops than the laity. (Most of the lay Catholics I know are liberal or moderate) Bishop Jenky of Peoria recently compared Obama to Hitler and Stalin. That's pretty partisan, w/ fascist imagery if you ask me.

    5. The radical, liberal left have become the new bigots of our time.

    6. Bigots to the left of me, bigots to the right, here I am stuck in this forum with you.

  4. The following month, Edwards' mistress, Rielle Hunter, informed the candidate she was pregnant. According to the account in Young's 2010 tell-all book about the affair, Edwards was unable to access his own money to support Hunter without his wife, Elizabeth, finding out.

    So, Young says, Edwards decided to take Mellon up on her offer.

    "Edwards called her, and the 'Bunny money' began to flow," Young wrote in his book, "The Politician."


    What a class act Democrat John Edwards was. All while his wife was dying of cancer.

  5. Joe McCarthy is not on the horizon, he is in congress but now goes by the name, Alan West.

    1. I hope you and the 'Jersey Shore' star learned something from Spike Lee recently.

    2. I have never watched jersey shore.

  6. Secret Service agent comes home and tells his wife that he has been suspended.

    Wife replies: Just exactly where you doing in that hotel in Colombia that they suspended you?

    Agent: If I told you, you'd have to kill me.

  7. Liberals love the 14th Amendment when they argue for gay marriage, but you don't hear them mentioned it when it comes to 'Affirmative Action'. But they know everything, remember?

    1. Hello Bucky.

      Ah, affirmative action. Affirmative action has been alive and well for far longer than the form practiced and encouraged by government. I got started in the employment world years ago because my employer was a friend of my parents. People obtain jobs, business opportunities and contacts, college admissions, etc., because of whom they know, or whom their parents know. Here in NC, having graduated from UNC is often an in, as is membership in country clubs. Do you really think GW Bush got into Yale on his own? All that is affirmative action.

      Various minorities do not have the "old boy" networks in place that we palefaces have. Affirmative action redresses that, but the "old boy" is still more effective, IMO.

    2. Legacy=Affirmative Action for the rich.

    3. You can't have it both ways. In fact, it's coming up before the Supreme Court again very soon.

      You clearly can't justify discrimination if it's illegal, no matter how big of an arrogant liberal you are.

      Why do you think we haven't heard about Obama's college/law school grades, SAT scores, or IQ results? I'd be willing to bet they are lower than Palins. Any takers?

    4. as far as presidents go, I can't think of one that we have that information on, can you?

    5. Actually I did find all 3 for George Bush.

    6. The former Guidance Counselor of Obama's private Hawaiian school has supplied The Washington Post with a certified copy of
      Obama's Stanford-Banai IQ Certification, one of which was taken in 1966 when he was a kindergardener in Hawaii before moving to Indonesia, and one which was taken as entrance protocol as a freshman in his private (extremely exclusive) Honolulu private highschool.

      His IQ was clocked at 172 and 166 respectively (IQ's normally have a fluctuation of 6 or 7 points from test to test so that discrepency is normal).

    7. Can you give me the cite on that Bobby because most major media news outlets have not reported that.

    8. What was the source of that information Bobby? Not that I don't trust you.

    9. Those 'tests' results are probably about as reliable as his birth certificate documentation.

      What happens in Hawaii, stays in Hawaii. Right Obama?

    10. NO Bobby....I know you're smart as a whip. Just give me the source of your information on the Obama IQ test results.

      Pretty please!

    11. Only if you can explain the relevance?

    12. There were 9 presidents that didn't earn a college degree.

    13.,which upon further review is a social network of baby boomers, so it has no credibility. Now what is the relevance?

    14. You know I have a reason Bobby. Now why are you so reluctant to give me the info?

    15. Thanks for admitting that it was all a bunch of hog-wash Bobby. That's not like you. Having a bad day?

    16. The 'relevance' is that he'll now use it as a 'liberal' source for the brainwashing the of the masses.

    17. Okay Bobby...I've gotta take off. Talk to you later.

    18. a very bad day. Fever and pain, short of breath and a bit dizzy when I cough. Thanks for asking. It could still be valid, just not sound.

    19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    20. it was a total lapse of judgement on my part for not vetting the source first

      Now what's the relevance of test scores?

  8. Gop wanting fewer regulation is like criminals wanting fewer cops.

    1. The Obama Administration through ICE is rushing to naturalize thousands of immigrants so they can vote in November.

      I actually think most 3rd world countries are less corrupt than the U.S. at this point.

    2. yes,one would probably find that corruption correlates to GDP

  9. Minor cuts on the head often bleed heavily because the face and scalp have many blood vessels close to the surface of the skin. Although this amount of bleeding may be alarming, many times the injury is not severe and the bleeding will stop with treatment you can do at home. But it is important to know the difference between wounds you can treat at home and head wounds that need emergency treatment. from WebMD


    2. What was Zimmerman suppose to do, wait until he his head was cracked open on the concrete until he fired his gun?

    3. He was supposed to report a suspicious character then mind his own business.

    4. He was returning to his car when Martin, the gang banging, drug dealing, football player, attacked him and started banging his head on the concrete. What was he suppose to do at that point, give Martin an ice cream cone?

    5. I didn't realize you were there.

    6. I was selling ice cream nearby, you knuckleheaded liberal.

    7. He may be found innocent. Who would have thought that O.J. or Casey Anthony would have been found innocent? I don't question his quilt or innocence, only the evidence that been produced so far. If I were on the jury, I guarantee I would judge on all the evidence presented at trial, and the instructions given by the judge.

    8. You worry me sometimes, but I think you're good person.

      Gotta quit watching 'Jersey Shore' though.

    9. Don't worry too much about things out of your control. It's fruitless.

    10. Aren't they all in rehab now?

    11. I couldn't even tell you what channel it's on.

    12. I think the latest I've heard is 'Snooki' is pregnant and still pounding down alcohol. How would you like to be her kid?

    13. In Missouri she could be arrested for contributing to the delinquency of a minor since that have one of those stupid "personhood" laws.

    14. Bob, sorry you're ailing. If you need anything, let me know.

  10. Replies
    1. Speaking of intelligence, interesting that Bucky knows who she is and you (appear) to not know.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Stab: Jersey Shores is a reality show on one of the non-network channels; Snookie, one of the participants of the show, is a reference more along the lines of the penciled in lip/eyeliner of "Cholas". Thus, as thinly veiled as it and the "rump crusher" reference is, insults are still inserted in his comments seemingly, he thinks, under the radar.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Thanks, it's allergy season and I feel much better now than I did earlier.

  12. Thank you, LaSombra. I watch none of those unreality shows, really see anything outside of Science, Smithsonian, H2 channels, except an occasional baseball or football game. I am amazed at what passes for entertainment: grotesque car repo people who resemble extras from "The Road Warrior," a Shylock-esque pawnshop owner, junk dealers, redneck private investigators, tatoo parlor operators, all of 'em standing with arms crossed, glaring at us in previews.

    What's the deal with the crossed arms? To hide their pot bellies?

    1. That should be "rarely see anything . . ."

    2. Stab, I think the crossed arms are intended to convey "attitude", which I assume the marketing folks see as an attraction for their target audience, aka lowest common denominator.

      We don't need TV to experience is all around us every day.

    3. I think the producers have indeed attained a low common denominator, as they succeed in making scummy and stupid people appear even more scummy and stupid. I'm amazed that there are enough scummy and stupid viewers to make it profitable for sponsors to advertise on the shows.

    4. I've seen some episodes of "Cops" and noticed something...more often than not the perps are not wearing shirts.

      Being a cop must be easy...just look for the shirtless guy.

    5. I saw an episode of Cops set in Davidson County a long time ago. I think it was back in the Gerald Hege days.

    6. Identifying a liberal is easy too. Just look for the person making the dumbest statements in the room and, 'Bingo'!

    7. Who would have thought that Bucky boy is a liberal?

    8. I am liberal with my knowledge. It's too bad you've got such a thick head or you might learn something in here.

    9. Got anymore wise cracks from that two cell brain of yours?

    10. it's so easy to be liberal with something you don't have. I'm very liberal with my money.

    11. Nice shot, Bob!

      I'm like you, liberal with everything I haven't got.

      Since I only have a two cell brain, I took pity and gave one of them to Bucky boy. Now he's tied with me.

  13. No serious presidential or vice-presidential candidate has ever released grades or test scores. There was a phony IQ ranking of presidents making the rounds of the web a few years ago, and at some point someone posted a phony transcript of Sarah Palin’s grades in an attempt to make her look even stupider than she actually is.

    In 2000, the Washington Post somehow managed to obtain transcripts from Yale for George W. Bush and Harvard for Al Gore. Neither was a very good student…legacies seldom are. The documents also included SAT scores. Bush made around 1200, slightly above average, while Gore scored 150 or so points higher. All meaningless.

    While President Obama was attending law school, during his first year he was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review, and became president of the review his second year, both posts that go only to the best students. The President graduated from Harvard Law School magna cum laude.

    He taught Constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992-2004. U. Chicago hires only the best.

    There are five law schools in the US that stand above all the others…Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Georgetown and Chicago. None of them have any dealings with dumbasses.

    1. exactly, O.T. it's all blowing smoke in the wind.

    2. I still think that Harry Truman was the best President of my lifetime. He had a high school diploma.

      He and Gerald Ford were the last two Freemason Presidents.

      Truman was also a member of the Sons of the American Revolution and the Sons of Confederate Veterans. His grandmother was thrown into a concentration camp and her house was burned under the infamous General Order No. 11 issued by Union General Thomas Ewing.

    3. If you've ever seen Suzanne Reynolds, Wake Forest law professor, speak publically, you would quickly arrive at the conclusion that a lot these academic law professors don't have a clue about life and the law.

      Thank goodness she lost her bid to the N.C. Supreme Court.

      And Obama-a Constitutional law professor? His name should be antonym for the term-constitutional.

    4. I know Suzanne. She's published more books than you've read.

    5. Carl Rove, the liar in chief, once claimed that W. read 95 books in one year.

      I didn't realize that Scrooge McDuck came out that often.

    6. Probably not worth the paper they're written on either.

    7. Well, books aren't written on paper nowadays.

      They're printed, which is a cat of a different color.

  14. Either shirtless or wearing a sleeveless wife-beater t-shirt.

  15. Jailhouse tattoo...probably a swastika...nothing like advertising where you've been to enhance your future.
