Gun restrictions
I have a challenge for the Winston-Salem City Council members who want to keep guns out of city parks.
Name one shooting that happened in a park where people with gun permits were allowed to carry guns. Name one college or k-12 school that has had a shooting on campus that was not designated a “gun free” campus. Name one shooting that was carried out by a person that had a legal gun-carry permit that was not used in self-defense of that person or others in the area. Name one shooter who was not mentally unstable or was not taking mind-altering drugs such as Ritalin when the shooting took place.
Simply put: Restrictions on where guns can be carried has created more problems than the restrictions solved.
Surprising loss
Almost seven weeks after the presidential election, I continue to read about the surprise Republican loss and what the GOP should do now to recoup. I started thinking.
In 1954, a Republican-appointed Chief Justice, Earl Warren, provided the leadership in the 9 to 0 decision in Brown v. Board of Education that became a major victory for civil rights.
In 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the progressive Federal-Aid Highway Act that gave us one of the greatest national infrastructure accomplishments in our history.
In 1964, the U.S. Congress passed the Civil-Rights Act. President Lyndon Johnson could not have passed the act without the strategic leadership of the Senate minority leader, Everett Dirksen. These are just three examples of a progressive Republican Party.
Then, for whatever the reasons, the composition of the party began to change. Ironically, after the Civil-Rights Act, Sens. Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms fled to the Republican Party and they were welcomed. They were the two most prominent racists in our country.
In 1983, Ronald Reagan spoke to the National Association of Evangelicals and let them know that they could not endorse him, but that he could endorse them. This speech became an open invitation to the religious right, and the Republican tent made room for figures such as Jerry Falwell, James Dobson, Pat Robertson and Ralph Reid with their uncompromising religious ideology.
Now, Karl Rove, Paul Ryan, and Jim DeMint, et al., have become the GOP thinkers.
Why do they wonder what happened? Why?
I see the new “low information” voters (I call them reality idiots) are alive and well. The author of the letter “A taxing problem” (Dec. 21) deserves a prize for the most ill-informed of the year. Someone please explain to this person that yes, we do have a catastrophic spending problem, which has resulted in an unsustainable $16.4 trillion entitlement debt.
A few other realities for this author: Taxing “the rich” is a straw-man issue for President Obama because no amount of tax increase on this group will make a dent in our debt, but will kill jobs and economic growth. Whatever we tax — we will get less of it.
Tragically, this administration abhors even talking about less federal spending. The real fairness question is, why should 47 percent pay no federal tax and the top 1 percent pay 40 percent of taxes?
Definition of freedom
President Lincoln once said, “The world has never had a good definition of the word liberty, and the American people, just now, are much in want of one…[I]n using the same word we do not all mean the same thing. …With some the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself…while with others the same word may mean for some men to do as they please with other men…The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep’s throat, for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as his liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act, as the destroyer of liberty…”
Advocates for stricter gun laws and their opponents among the gun lobbies are wrestling with that very issue: what is freedom?
When someone else’s definition of freedom puts us all in danger, we have every right to seek the government’s protection.
A total ban on assault weapons and clips, designed for military use, and background checks and waiting periods for private gun sales are not a violation of our constitutional right to bear arms, nor are they examples of government tyranny. They are a very rational and necessary response to a national emergency.
Single-shot muskets, which took even a highly experienced soldier at least 15 seconds to reload, have given way to more rapid weapons of annihilation. New technologies create new challenges and demand new thinking, or at least, a more sane and rational approach to the old thinking.