Monday, December 10, 2012

Winston-Salem Journal LTE MO 12/10/12

Christians arise
Now is the time for us to remember God loves everyone, and as Christians we need to pray for all, especially our leaders, as they need all the help they can get to return this country around. We remember the times when we were a proud nation and everyone wanted to follow our lead and become citizens, work and be free.
So let us pray daily for all and remember what we stand for.
Empty parking lots
I am dismayed at the 7-1 Winston-Salem City Council vote to pass a one-parking-space-per-every-four-stadium-seats minimum in the Reynolds High School stadium conflict (“Council OKs stadium parking rules,” Dec. 4). We should be instituting parking space maximum requirements that are reflective of median day-to-day use ratios because the other 350 days a year or so that there is not a home football game, big, empty parking lots are not an efficient use of land or all that pleasing to behold.
Our goal should be to reduce paving through good planning, design and policy. Alternatives that should be a part of the solution are public transit, biking, walking and using existing parking facilities. For example, WSTA bus routes 18 and 20 have existing service to Hanes Mall and pass by Hanes Park. Can a school bus be used as a football game parking shuttle?
The math for this ill-conceived parking demand model (and others likewise) would require 4 acres of surface area dedicated to car parking. Exasperating. Too bad the elections are not next Tuesday so the voters could have the opportunity to fix the council now. Thanks to council member Dan Besse for realizing the unintended consequences of a lousy rule and voting against it.
I wish the community were as actively engaged in fundraising efforts to retire all the FEMA trailers at our public schools as they are about building a sports complex.
Inept government
I truly believe that the government, as a general operating body, is inept in many ways. The leadership we have is totally and consistently inept because they try and protect their fiefdoms by placating their supporters. This will not change.
The reason it won't change is seen almost every day right here in the Journal editorial pages. It seems like almost every day we see these letters blaming the other party exclusively for the problems. If someone believes that they are either naive or stupid.
The funny part is the Democrats paint the Republicans as obstructionist and mean-spirited and then complain if they act that way. The Democrats hold themselves out as being tolerant, caring, all-inclusive — the warm and fuzzy party — so long as you agree with them.
If you don't believe me, how do you explain the treatment of black conservatives?
Look to the log in your eye before you try and remove the splinter from someone else's eye.
Deserving of help
I read with interest the letter “Helping the poor” (Dec. 5). The writer is obviously a good-hearted, caring person and I thank her for her good work. I hope the vast majority of the folks crowding the halls of the Second Harvest Food Bank are indeed needy and deserving of the help they get.
But I just read today that the “homeless” veteran in New York who received the new boots from the kind police officer — featured prominently on the Internet — is not homeless, but has an apartment paid for by a Department of Veterans Affairs program that helps homeless vets.
I recently observed two mothers with two young kids ahead of me in the checkout line of a grocery store having to put back some food items because their SNAP cards did not have enough credit to pay for the all the items. As I reached for my wallet to offer to pay for the additional items, one mother reached under the shopping cart and put a six pack of large cans of beer on the counter and asked for four packs of cigarettes, which she paid for with another credit/debit card. Needless to say, I put my wallet back in my pocket.
The letter writer said she “would gladly pay more taxes if that is what it takes” (to help the poor). I am fairly certain that she will get that opportunity if we continue down our current fiscal path.
Let them decide
Winston-Salem/Forsyth County school-board member Jeannie Metcalf’s accusation that the Systems Thinking curriculum teaches socialism (“Board members question curriculum,” Dec. 5) doesn’t bother me much. First of all, I don’t think it’s true; it’s another fantasy from the mindset that thinks ACORN (which hasn’t existed since 2010) stole the election for President Obama and a non-binding U.N. treaty to respect disabled children (endorsed by Bob Dole, among others) is really intended to undermine U.S. sovereignty.
But if it were true, so what? Our students have capitalism shoved at them all day long. Why not show them the alternative and let them decide for themselves?
Isn’t that what conservatives say when it comes to evolution and “intelligent design”?


  1. it is soul crushing dependence in our "new normal".

  2. LTE3.."how do you explain the treatment of black conservatives?". Liberal fascism.

    1. Liberals are just a bunch of bigots. They want to claim they are inclusive, but they'll call you names and try to berate you in a minute if you disagree with them.

      Our forum NW, Rush, is a perfect example.

    2. Liberal fascism? I could say the same about conservative Nazism.

      Both statements are about as equally grounded in reality.

    3. "The 14 defining Characteristics of Fascism". H-m-m-m-m . . . sounds like the GOP to me, most specifically #'s 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, and 10.

    4. I have no trouble awarding them the other eight as well:

      1. Romney's attempts to identify with the NFL and NASCAR, whose constituentcies are mostly mindless flag wavers. The prevalence of American flag lapel pins. The "God bless the USA" lip service. Bushes foolish landing on an aircraft carrier? Romney's list of generals and admirals?

      4. Uncritical praise of the military, which, due to inability to adapt to modern warfare, has not "won" a war in 67 years. The push to build new high tech weapons when what we need is better thinking, training and tactics. The Navy alone has been burdened with ships and aircraft that they do not need or want.

      6. FoxLies…they have learned that they only need one media outlet, because all the nuts will flock to it. Of course, in the recent election, by listening to the FoxLies bullshit, they may have outFoxed themselves.

      7. Remember the "orange alerts" of the Cheney administration? The accusations that Obama will sell us out? The frenzy over a minor incident like Benghazi?

      11. Anti-science, anti-mathmatics, anti-reason? Anti-PBS and NPR? And their constituents are the one who disparage academics, because they themselves are so poorly educated.

      12. Patriot Act, Guantanamo, the anti-immigrant drumbeat and state laws aimed in that direction

      13. Maybe, maybe not…for one, they do not have enough control over appointments, but when they have, they have loaded the Supreme Court with a host of ideologs.

      14. Gerrymanders, voter suppression, shortened voting times? Who decided the 2000 election?

  3. is proper that more money needs to be sent to Washington because Washington subsidizes so much more poverty these days.

  4. I once worked for lesbian, Asian female. She was so stupid that I had to pick her up in the mornings in order to take her to meetings, because she would routinely get lost driving in the 'big' city.

    And these dopey liberals wonder why people don't like affirmative action.

    1. Bucky December 8, 2012 3:50 PM

      Meanwhile, we're all celebrating the announcement that Washington Perk will open a downtown location on Fourth Street, right across from our favorite hangout, Camino Bakery. [sic]

    2. She was the BD of the relationship.

    3. She was a beast. People used to roll their eyes when she would come into a room.

    4. More of Buckboy's fantasy life. The idea that he has ever "worked" at all in the sense that most of us mean "work" is the biggest fantasy of all.

      Bucky December 8, 2012 3:50 PM

      Meanwhile, we're all celebrating the announcement that Washington Perk will open a downtown location on Fourth Street, right across from our favorite hangout, Camino Bakery. [sic]

    5. I used to spend a lot of my time apologizing after the meetings for her conduct and choice of words.

      And people think promoting gayness will be 'good' for America? Please!

    6. More Buckfantasy. In the real world, underlings do not "apologize" for their superiors lest they suffer dire consequences. What an imagination!

  5. Union hooligans prepare to riot in Michigan if right to work legislation passes.

    Michigan would become the 24th "right-to-work" state in the nation -- and American unions would suffer a stinging defeat in the cradle of the labor movement. Union bosses made clear they won't go down without a fight.

    Hee Hee...these Democrats don't want to get off the union and or government tit.

  6. Good afternoon folks!
    LTE 1: I'm sure those of other faiths would want to pray for our leaders as well. "...especially our leaders, as they need all the help they can get to return this country around." - "return" should be "turn" I take it? Anyway, why should we as citizens sit back and wait for "our leaders" to get things going?

    LTE 2: I wonder if Mr. Telligman has ever tried to navigate through a neighborhood with a major event taking place and inadequate parking. As far as encouraging stadium attendees to take public transportation, umm...good luck with that!

    LTE 3: So frustrating to see a writer get off on the right track only to turn into a rant half way through when both parties are culpable. How do you explain liberals constantly being described as "socialist, communist, fascist, Muslims out to deliberately destroy the US"? Works both ways, buddy...both ways. Both sides need to grow up.

    LTE 4: Alcohol and cigarettes aren't SNAP eligible which is why they had to be paid for separately. Being poor doesn't mean free from vices. In fact, it's those vices that often play a role in their economic depravity. At least you can be assured that the SNAP cards are going towards feeding the children instead of the entire grocery budget being spent on the mothers' vices.

    LTE 5: "Socialism" is another word that once had a specific meaning, but now is just a buzzword to be tossed at someone or idea found disagreeable. It is disconcerting to see such people on the school board. After seeing the new appointee to the Board of Commissioners, it is even more disconcerting to think about who will be chosen to replace Lambeth on the Board of Education. It may be that all of those min wage jobs shipped overseas or delegated to illegals will come back to NC's citizens because those will be the only jobs our HS grads will qualify for.

  7. So let us pray daily for all and remember what we stand for.


    What we 'stood' for would be a better choice of words.

  8. Pot officially legal in Colorado

    Liberal news media spin on a new law. It's been 'officially' illegal under federal law since 1970 and that has not changed. Regulations go all the way back to the 1860s.

    1. Ignorance is next to godliness.

      Bucky December 8, 2012 3:50 PM

      Meanwhile, we're all celebrating the announcement that Washington Perk will open a downtown location on Fourth Street, right across from our favorite hangout, Camino Bakery. [sic]

    2. Ignorance is next to godliness.[sic]

    3. It certainly is in Buckboy's case.

      Bucky December 8, 2012 3:50 PM

      Meanwhile, we're all celebrating the announcement that Washington Perk will open a downtown location on Fourth Street, right across from our favorite hangout, Camino Bakery. [sic]

  9. Judge finds NC ‘Choose Life’ plates unconstitutional

    I can't wait until NC has to issue 'Choose a badend' plates.

    1. Bucky December 8, 2012 3:50 PM

      Meanwhile, we're all celebrating the announcement that Washington Perk will open a downtown location on Fourth Street, right across from our favorite hangout, Camino Bakery. [sic]

  10. Monkey see, monkey do. Try this academic symbol:

    "I once worked for lesbian, Asian female. She was so stupid that I had to pick her up in the mornings in order to take her to meetings, because she would routinely get lost driving in the 'big' city." {ℳ}

  11. "It's a form of argument that I thought you would have known, which is called the `reduction to the absurd,'" Scalia told Hosie of San Francisco during the question-and-answer period. "If we cannot have moral feelings against homosexuality, can we have it against murder? Can we have it against other things?"

    In formal logic, that would be "reductio ad absurdem", an error that Scalia often commits. His attempt to compare "murder" with "homosexuality" is a simple false analogy, another of his favorite failings.

    As has been said of the "great intellect" Newt Gingrich, Scalia is a dumb person's idea of a smart man.

    1. I'm not the best lawyer in the world...I'm no Scalia. Heck, I'm not even Matlock. But I do know that if you're a man who loves men or a woman who loves women, you're not hurting anyone else. Not so much with murder.

      You might as well compare murder with being a redhead.
