Friday, July 29, 2011

The Leopard's Limb 07/29/11 (leftovers, off-topics, whatever)

The discussion yesterday about poll results showing "generic Republican" receiving more support from those questioned than actual candidates reminds me of an option given Nevada voters, in that None of the Above is listed on ballots along with more corporeal candidates. It is a symbolic option, however. If NOTA outpolls human candidates for a particular office, the human with the most votes still takes office. NOTA is simply a way of registering a protest vote, sort of like voting for a Republican in Nancy Pelosi's District, or voting for a Democratic presidential candidate in Utah.


  1. Ordinarily, Obama would be looking highly vulnerable for next year, but the shism going on in the Republican party is going to make it quite difficult for the R's to win. The mainstream would clearly prefer someone like Romney, but considering the fact that primaries generally draw a small crowd of mostly TB's, that would seem to favor someone like Bachmann. If Romney were to get the nod, would the Republican TB's still come out to vote or would they even try to get Bachmann or Palin as a 3rd party or write-in candidate?
