Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Winston-Salem Journal LTE's TU 096/27/11

Good AM, folks!

We have a pretty standard set of LTE's today, including one from a reliable correspondent, Mr. Mir.

We have had a couple of comments about the single-minded posts of late. I am a source of one of those single-minded threads. I am going to withhold comments re organized labor unless pertinent to the discussions at hand.

Bucky asked me in yesterday's forum if I had deleted one of his posts. I had not, nor have I deleted anyone's posts but my own. That policy may change if references to gay bucks, etc. do not diminish.

We have forgotten
In all the controversy concerning a constitutional amendment stating marriage is between one man and one woman, we seem to have forgotten that homosexuality is one of the causes of HIV/AIDS. I cannot understand how our government can ban the use of tobacco in public places because it can cause cancer, then advocate a lifestyle that can cause HIV/AIDS. A missionary serving in another country spoke recently at our church. He stated that more than 3,000 people died in the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001 — but that 3,000-plus people die every day of HIV/AIDS in the part of the world where he serves.

Even if one does not believe God created everything, including human beings, a homosexual lifestyle is a perversion of the human anatomy and procreation. Even though a homosexual lifestyle does not affect my marriage, it does affect the cost of everyone's health care because of the possibility of acquiring the HIV virus.

The writer of a letter published Sept. 20 ("Straight from Jesus") stated, "The writers of the Bible had no concept of homosexuality ..." I suggest the writer look at Romans 1:24-27. Most believers I know do not hate those of differing sexual persuasions. Each person has the right to choose his or her lifestyle and beliefs, but we must live with the consequences. I choose to believe God's word over man's word.


Economic downturn
I have witnessed leaders in the financial industry deposit the total blame for the economic downturn on minorities. I have heard myths of people acquiring loans beyond their ability to pay while the government forced the hapless lenders to approve them. We now know all about the mortgage mills, and the bundling of bad-paper loans into securities that the ratings agencies inexplicably rated AAA. The lenders did not perform the due diligence with the loans or even the paperwork — yet this pinstriped crowd has managed to avoid the cell block.

This unholy alliance between lenders, insurance companies and the famed ratings agencies has achieved the goals of the shock doctrine. Today, we only hear talk of austerity and the abandonment of social programs that help the poor and the elderly. What a major victory for those who want to consolidate wealth among the very few and eviscerate the middle-class. This is not a class war. This is class genocide.

The marionettes in Congress are compelled to carry out the master's bidding. They bleed a patient dying of blood loss. Where was the grand old tea party when we were dropping million-dollar bombs on peoples of color throughout the world? Did they question the vast payouts to the military complex for misbegotten wars? The coffers of Halliburton overflow with the riches of the state while teachers face the unemployment line. Now they attempt to school us on Christian ethics as they unwittingly forge the chains of their eternal demise.


Take a stand
I believe the writers who have sent you letters concerning the blue laws ("Abolish the blue law," Sept. 11; "Even further," Sept. 18) need to stop and think. Blue laws don't need to be abolished; we need to take a stand.

The state doesn't need to open state liquor stores on Sundays. Merchants need to be closed on Sundays. Some families would like a husband or wife doing something as a family instead of drinking wine and beer all day.

As far as being a Jesus freak goes, try it sometime. I am glad I did. The pastors don't have to worry about their congregations being in church or first in line for a wine or beer. If they are truly saved, they will be in God's house unless sick.


Protecting rights
I was very impressed by the letter "Straight from Jesus" in the Sept. 20 Journal. I totally agree with every word the writer wrote.

I am divorced and remarried. Therefore, I am not innocent of going against what Jesus said.

None among us are without sin. At this point, I have never heard of a secure heterosexual marriage that was damaged by two gay people getting married. It is about protecting the rights of all citizens of this nation.

Whether or not gays are allowed to marry is not my call. Whether or not I divorce and remarry is not their call. If not for the mercy of God, we would all be up the creek without a paddle.

Glade Valley


  1. Stab....your opening comments sound encouraging.

  2. Ms. Hall: Do you understand why so many here today are belittling your letter? Do you understand that by evoking God you are paintinging Him and yourself as a hater? You use Romans 1:24-27 to support your assertion to judge a segment of our populaton but you failed to remember Romans chapter 2:1?

    I pose one more question to you, Ms. Hall: Are there REALLY 3000 homosexuals (that die daily) in the part of the world where the missionary serves?

  3. Good AM WW and LaSombra!

    LTE1: Self-righteous illogic. AIDS is also spread by heterosexual activity. Shall we outlaw that?

    LTE2: Self-righteous bombast and hyperbole, completely ignores the equal culpability on the left side of the spectrum.

    LTE3: More narrow-minded self-righteousness. Suppose families want to drink wine and beer all day together? The LTE writer is free to worship as she wishes, with her family if she can drag them to church, and can keep her old man out of the beer bottle when the NFL games start. And the rest of us are free to worship or otherwise, also.

    Not all faiths declare Sundays to be holy, and we are not governed by a theocracy, except perhaps for the county board of commissioners. MYOB, dearie.

    LTE4: Excellent counterargument to LTE's 1 and 3.

  4. StumbleUpon brought me this today:

    Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour.

    Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute.

    That's Relativity.

    - Albert Einstein
    Nobel Prize Laureate (Physics)

  5. Actually, La Sombra....you are the hater. People like Ms. Hall have their own religious beliefs, and you hate them because they don't believe as you do.

    I think I liked you better when you were Reille.

  6. OT..what if you are sitting on that hot stove with a pretty girl?

  7. There is an argument to be made in support of blue laws outside of religious belief. A day of rest for everyone would be very....restful. If you'd like to spend the day drinking beer, wine, etc., fine by me. Just a tiny bit of foresight would suggest buying your supply the day before.

  8. One thing we do know is that almost half of the people in the United States that are infected with HIV are banging gay bucks that go after the badend of other men. That may not be the politically correct way to state it, but those are the generally accepted facts.

    The statistics, in sub-Saharan Africa relevative to HIV incidence, is so muddied with political correctness, we don't know how many of the gay populace is dying from HIV. It could be as many as 3,000 people a day. And yes, some church groups have missionaries in those areas.

    One thing is for certain. As we continue to encourage gay sexual conduct, the incidence of HIV infections will go up, at least in the short-term, based on probability.

    So before we start throwing ole Ms. Hall under the bus, let's stop and think a minute. She may be right about the number of gays that are dying daily.

  9. Good afternoon folks!
    LTE 1: Do WHAT?!? Homosexuality causes HIV/AIDS??? Where on earth did you hear this??? HIV is a virus that is transmitted through bodily fluids by sexual conduct, sharing needles or blood transfusions (although this has been alleviated). It is most definitely not something that springs up from simply being a homosexual. Why is it that those who are so quick to say "We don't hate gays" are the ones so adamant about ensuring gay folk feel totally unwelcome and have no place in our society?
    LTE 2: Mr. Mir does have an elegant way with words. Unfortunately, this LTE has as much hyperbole as Deb's most recent submittal. If Mr. Mir's voice is as dramatic as his writings, he might do quite well as a counterpart to Rush on a lefty radio network.
    LTE 3: Another theocratic call to arms. I wonder how many of those complaining about excessive regulations will cheer this call for govt. to forcibly shut down all businesses on Sunday.
    LTE 4: And I am very impressed by your letter, Mrs. Brooks and totally agree with what you said.

  10. WW - would feel the heat, but it wouldn't be the heat coming from the stove.

  11. Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear...

    And also, Fuzzy Wuzzy is Bo's brain. Next, he'll have the gov telling me which days I have to take my vacation, as well. No doubt he would like living in Iran, where the government dictates just about everything.

  12. I hope Rush/Kitty Kat's cousin, Josh Fattal, doesn't give anymore speeches. What an idiot!

  13. Whenever I visit Washington, I can't help but think, this is the town that elected a crackhead as its mayor.

    I know, I know it's not PC to say, but just because it's insensitive doesn't mean it isn't true.

    But think about this: There is footage of Marion Barry in a room of crack smoke saying, "Bitch set me up." And yet that image, that video did not disqualify him from being seen as a viable political option in the mind of voters. In fact, not only was he re-elected mayor after serving time in a federal prison, today he sits on the City Council, all because he managed to convince enough black people that the video of him with the crack pipe in his mouth was white people's fault.

    LZ Granderson CNN

    That's what happens when you get a bunch of Democrats together, they'll vote for just about any nitwit that comes along, so long as he or she has a (D) beside of his/her name.

  14. To Bucky's 1:17PM post:
    Nowhere in my comment to Ms. Hall did I exhibit hatred. On the other hand, I DID point out holes in Ms. Hall's rationalization to hate, and the use of the Bible for justification of hate.

    BTW: Why didn't you post your response to me on the journal's website as well?

    *** LaSombra ***

  15. Racist, bigot, sexist, ignorant, stupid, and hater-those are all liberal buzz words that liberals call people all the time that don't agree with them.

    That's why I use them too. It gives them a taste of their own medicine.

    I use idiot a lot too. It's a liberal buzz word. That's why I call Rush/Kitty Kat an idiot as often as I can. Hey Kitty Kat, you're an idiot! Hee Hee....you gotta love it.

  16. Bucky: You can call me liberal all you want, but I respectfully ask that you show ME some respect by not referring to me by anything else other than LaSombra. And Liberal. I'll own up to that one.

    And BTW: Why don't you post your responses to me on the journal's website as well?

    *** LaSombra ***

  17. “A man's character may be learned from the adjectives which he habitually uses in conversation” Mark Twain

  18. Bobby...tell that to your liberal friends. I doubt they'll listen though.

  19. Bobby...where have you been today? You rascal.

  20. You're beating a dead horse La Sombra/Anonymous/Rush/Kitty Kat/Idiot/Nitwit/Liberal/DemocraticDummy et al. I have no interest in the Journal's website.

  21. Unlike you, Bucky, I've used only ONE OTHER moniker to post comments on JOURNALNOW, and only ONE here. FCSOWATCH successfully asked that you be respectful when posting, so I ask again that you respect my request and not refer to me by any moniker other than LaSombra. If this request is too difficult for you, just call me LaSombra.

    *** LaSombra ***
    Original post did not show up; reposted with additional comments)

  22. Bucky "Racist, bigot, sexist, ignorant, stupid, and hater-those are all liberal buzz words that liberals call people all the time that don't agree with them.

    That's why I use them too"
    The Devil made me do it, right.

  23. typical, my actions are the results of other people, I need not take personal responsibility for myself.

  24. I can say anything I want as long as I can blame it on someone else.

  25. Bucky, maybe your friends believe that shit, but it don't fly here.

  26. Bobby....what in the world? Did you run out of Schweddy Balls?

  27. Bob, that is a huge assumption on your part...Bucktooth has friends?

  28. Rabbi, is there a proper prayer for bucky?

    Rabbi: May the Lord bless and keep the shmendrik far away from us.

  29. During the sale, scheduled from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., baked goods were sold to white men for $2, Asian men for $1.50, Latino men for $1, black men for 75 cents and Native American men for 25 cents. All women received 25 cents off those prices.

    "We agree that the event is inherently racist, but that is the point," Lewis wrote in response to upheaval over the bake sale. "It is no more racist than giving an individual an advantage in college admissions based solely on their race (or) gender."

    CNN report on an event at UC Berkeley

  30. Nobody beats a dead horse deader than the Buckhead.

    He's like the 24-hour parrot one of my neighbors once had...jabbering away around the clock, repeating the same meaningless noises over and over and over.

  31. Gov. Chris Christie is speaking on FoxNews if anybody is interested. He's the fatman that knows the skinny on what's happening.

  32. Good evening folks!

    Bucky, you do love being the center of attention. Please accord LaSombra the courtesy she requests. I do not wish to lose her as a poster. I fear that the Bucky Show may be costing us visitors as it is. A certain measure of sharp-tongued exchanges and barbs is inevitable on a site like this, but you are exceeding that certain measure.

    Remember, that is "LaSombra."


  33. Christie said much earlier today that he is not running, as he has said all along.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. (sigh) I haven't attended the news all day. The post I deleted expressed hope that he would run. Christie's decision not to run compels us to hope that voters will see thru Perry. There is hope for that, though. They seem to have figured Bachmann out.

  36. The only intelligent reasonable GOP candidates are Romney and Huntsman. Between them they poll a little over 21%, with Huntsman stuck at around 1%. Tells you what has happened to the GOP.

    So Romney is the only viable choice, but he is highly vulnerable because of his quirky religion. JFK barely beat Nixon in 1960, mostly because he was a Catholic. If he had been a Presbyterian, he would have won by 5-8% or more.

  37. President Obama had a quirky pastor, so perhaps the religious aspect might not count for so much, though it will impair him in southern primaries, as many R voters hold that Mormons are going to Hell, joining Catholics, Jews, and probably a number of Protestant denominations, and you non-believers, too. See ya there! :D

  38. The "Wright affair" was a tempest in a teapot and of very brief duration. Even at the height of it, in March, 2008, 65% of voters said it made no difference to them, maybe in part because many of them had experienced the same sort of hateful speech from racist white pastors. A racist is a racist, no matter color.

    Subsequent actions by Wright led to Obama resigning from Wright's church. I don't think Romney is going to abandon Mormonism...in fact, he can't, not at this late date.

    As far as I'm concerned, Mormonism is no different than any other religion. Most of the "bad" publicity has stemmed from the bigoted persecution of Mormons in Illinois, Missouri and elsewhere in the 19th century. But fundamentalist/evangelical christians are now the heartbeat of the GOP and I don't see them accepting a Mormon for "their" party.

  39. Apparently there is a Zogby poll that shows considerable slippage on Perry's part, to the advantage of Cain. Zogby's polls are a bit questionable, though. Still, the thought of a TelePrompterless Obama having to debate a quick-witted African-American ex-CEO and radio talker . . .

    . . . back to reality: fortunately, the NH primary is early in the process, and Romney should do well in that, provided he doesn't really stumble before then.

  40. On second thought, church choir directors universally love the Mormon Tabernacle Choir (and well they should). Who knows, perhaps well-timed playings of the Choir's renderings of the "Battle Hymn" and the "Hallelujah Chorus" might sway a few fundamentalists.

  41. Nice try, Stab. Both tunes are very powerful as performed by the MTC, only problem is the effect doesn't last too long. They'd have to play it right at the polls, which I somehow don't think would be allowed.

    And actually, Cain is leading in the new Zogby, 28-18% over Perry. Of course the Zogby is something of a joke.

    Their biggest problem is that use only listed telephone numbers, which means that they get a much older, demographic and virtually no one under 30.

    I know several dozen people my age who still have land line phones, but quite a few who don't. No one in my building downtown has a listed phone...all other than me are under 40.

  42. I understand the phone demographics, which do indeed skew the numbers. They are skewed slightly back the other way by the fact that geezers vote in higher numbers than do younger voters. And, as with you, more of us geezers are dropping landlines. I don't have one. And neither does non-geezing Mrs. Stab.

    I think Cain is a long shot at best. And Romney definitely has more credentials. Herman may not have the patience for the job. Still, an America where one African-America ends up debating another African-American for the Presidency is an America that is finally and really growing up. I like the imagery. But, back to the here and now.

  43. I suspect the MTC might have a problem with its signature anthems being used by pols.

    I wish I had time and resources to start a Centrist Party. Oh, it is said that all politics is local. And I have a real local beef with local administration (fear not, no unions involved). But that's for another day.
