Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Winston-Salem Journal LTE WE 01/11/12

One can argue the costs and benefits of building bike lanes in the city ("Planner plots city path to better bike travel," Jan. 2. However, if we could all learn to safely share the roads, bike lanes would not be needed, nor even desired.

Good moral behavior
I have one word to say regarding the Rev. Seth O. Lartey, who is hoping to revive and expand a program between churches and public schools: Amen! I give credit and support to the pastor for wanting to partner with Triad schools to give character education to at-risk students in our public schools ("New hope for character education," Jan. 7).
To me, this is a way of getting back to the basics and teaching children that they need to learn how to live their lives with good moral behavior and values. Today, this simple fact is being overlooked by kids and parents alike. Morality and our value system are in a sad state, and this program can be instrumental in bringing it back.
It does not matter which religion one is from and/or practicing; as long as the overall message is the same. Good values are important and can guide students to healthy living while giving them a chance for success. I applaud Lartey and hope this program comes to fruition.

Proud of Occupiers
Contrary to Virginia Underhill's comments in the Jan. 7 Scorecard ("Iowa, occupiers and education"), I am very proud of our citizens who participate in demonstrations bringing attention to the Gilded Age activities of our super-rich 1 percent, buying influence in all branches of government. They are freezing out there to highlight this sellout.
Her Scorecard comment: "I certainly believe in free speech and the right of assembly, but I do resent my taxes being designated to paying for free camping vacations for the 99%. These groups who camp on city properties generate the need for food, water and shelter, but the effluvia generated by these citizens must be massive. ...This group of protestors might also be required to donate several hours a week toward clean-up chores causing little disruption in our city's progressive enterprises."
Obviously she "knows not of what she speaks." Had she at any time met with the Occupy Winston-Salem group, she would not be so mistaken in her opinions. Hinting that the group requires city support for food, water and tents for its "camping vacation" shows her ignorance of its complete regard of public property, and its fundamental reasons for demonstrating.
Her degrading comments reveal her to be one of the 1 percent, if not actuarially certainly in her attitudes.

Propane association response
Your recent article "Propane violators rarely face state fines" (Dec. 30) regarding unlevied fines certainly raised important concerns. However, it also highlights the fact that the Agriculture Department's efforts at educating violators is very successful. The article points out that "nearly 10 percent … were repeat violations." This is encouraging since it means that more than 90 percent were not repeat violations.
The North Carolina Propane Gas Association and our member dealers are committed to the safe storage, transportation and use of propane; the industry should not be demonized because of the actions of a few. Propane dealers are local business owners who are part of their communities and safety is of primary concern to them. They pay taxes that support our local governments and education. They employ thousands of North Carolinians and support local civic causes.
As with any combustible fuel we use to power our homes, vehicles and equipment, propane must be handled with the proper respect. In fact, propane dealers in N.C. safely dispense over 500 million gallons of propane every year. Nearly 5 million U.S. households safely rely on propane for home heating, and 3 million use propane for residential water heating. The propane industry turns 100 years old in 2012 and is a mature industry with a stellar safety record.
North Carolina's propane dealers will strive to continue that record of safety through education and awareness. We look forward to supporting the efforts of the Agriculture Department in continuing and improving the safety of our industry.



  1. I noticed that the forum conversations gravitated toward how I have hijacked the forum last night, and it was all my fault for any and all problems contained herein.

    Somehow, that doesn't surprise me. It's really a take-off on the OWS people who blame their problems on people that have or control 1% of the money in the United States. Furthermore, when they have problems, not only do they blame others, they want their money too.

    It's always somebody's else's fault in a liberal's mind. They never want to take or accept responsibility for anything.

    I believe it's a basic character flaw that some people apparently are born with. What else can explain their 'dependency' and 'blameful' attitude?

    Another noteworthy observation is how LaSombra/Rielle/Nancy/Hag blames me for her attempt to suppress my opinions. Isn't that amazing? It's all my fault that she acted like a fool when she 'attempted' to identify myself within the forum. She never looked within herself and tried to realize her shallowness in trying to limit my differing opinions.

    I've also noticed that when I'm not around, Rush even starts to attack Stab on issues. I thought both of you were friends/relatives?

    So instead of blaming old 'Bucky' for all of your psychological and intellectual deficiencies people, you might want to start by looking within yourself first.

    If I'm such an 'easy' target, why do some of the bullets shot at me come flying back?

  2. Sad to learn that Whitewall is leaving. Stab, please wish him well. I will miss his "Good Moral Behavior".

  3. Good AM, folks!

    LTE1: delineating lanes will make the roads makes roads safer to share.
    LTE2: given the discipline problems and lack of parental support, coupled with our spineless central office, I agree with this LTE.
    LTE: the deification of OWS continues. Can't say for the local folks, but elsewhere some gatherings have been disgustingly messy. And why the local insistence on trampling grass?
    LTE4: an unpaid ad.

  4. Hi Wordly, I have deferred expunging WW in hopes that the site will redirect. WW is not the only member to go dormant, which is a shame considering that we should be attracting people, as newspaper sites become more restrictive.

  5. Bucky, the operative phrase in one of your comments last night was that OT attacks me on issues. Note "on issues," and I consider "attacks" to be a bit strong. Disagreeing on issues is one of the purposes of the site. If he says I obsess about an issue, well fine. His "obsess" is my "focus."

    Yes, we are kin according to OT. He is kin to the late Ab Walker, my Dad's first cousin. I have not met OT, that I know of, but would be happy to so do and to claim him as friend.

  6. What I posted last night was highlighting your propensity to malign others and disregard respect as a group norm on this forum. No where did I place blame but if there is blame to be placed it would be squarely on me. This would be evident by my saying that I have no excuse but an explanation for my behavior, which would then leave an opening for a solution.

    Can you say this about yourself? Of course not, but you have plenty to say of everyone else here.

    Sadly, you won't prove me wrong, either.

  7. Above comment was directed at Slopbucket.

  8. LTE 1: I was warned before moving here that North Carolinians L-O-V-E their cars. It wasn't long after that I realized that what they meant was that North Carolinians are the most non-defensive drivers I've witnessed in my driving years. I worked at an AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY and had one lady (a CSR) outright tell me SHE DOESN'T STOP FOR PEDESTRIANS in parking lots, and in fact SPEEDS UP!!! So if drawing a line on a street keeps a boundry between the Almighty Driver and keeps a cyclist safe, the cost is worth the life it saves.

    LTE 2: Character should be taught at home but in reality, it's not. What is not being taught at home, Reading, 'Riting, 'Rithmatic, CHARACTER, is taught at school. Unfortunately, what the child learns at school is not reinforced at home. Character education sorely NEEDS TO BE reinstated in school, but not by organized religion.

  9. Good afternoon folks!
    LTE 1: Well, while in theory that is true, in reality, having designated bike lanes makes traffic flow a lot smoother when both are sharing the road. This was my experience in Scottsdale where there was an abundance of riders.
    LTE 2: On the surface it seems like a good idea, and it has court approval, but I'm still a bit wary of potential proselytizing and excessive church/state entanglement. It's a shame these values can't be learned at home, but when you have single parent households where the parent often has to work multiple jobs to stay afloat, there aren't any adults around to teach values.
    LTE 3: Media depictions of mayhem occuring at various Occupy sites across the country paints the idea of just a bunch of rouble-rousers particularly to those who don't approve of the message. If people will see the local protests for themselves, they will see those are the exceptions. Let's face it; mayhem is far more riveting tv than people standing around holding up signs, so who's going to get all the coverage?
    LTE 4: Those who do fail to properly deal with the safe storage, transportation and usage of propane run the risk of becoming candidates for the Darwin Awards.

  10. LTE 3, "those are the exception" being the mayhem

  11. If Romney wins SC, I'm thinking it's most likely game over. SC is one of the most theocratic states around, so if a TB like Santorum or TB wannabe like Gingrich can't win there, then I don't see anyone mounting a serious challenge anywhere else. Perhaps throws a twist into what will happen with the proposed amendment when NC's primary rolls around if the R nomination is already settled.

  12. This link may help explain why the Journal's LTE site is almost dead:

    People using pseudonyms post the highest-quality comments, Disqus says

  13. LTE #1: Bike lanes are needed because far too many drivers have the maturity of a two year old who has just learned the power of the word "no". On second thought, that is an insult to most of the two year olds I have known.

    LTE #2: You cannot "teach" morality or character or whatever you want to call it. Children learn such matters at an early age by observing their parents, their siblings, other relatives, neighbors and their peers. And the last thing we need is some religious group poking around in our schools.

    LTE #3 - I'm delighted to see young people protesting about almost anything. I was disappointed when no one protested the CheneyBush wars. A lot of apathy around.

    As to the big deal about the messes, that has nothing to do with the message. And more trash is thrown onto our streets and highways in Forsyth County every day by "respectable" middle class pigs than was left in LA by the OWS. I help clean up creek beds downtown several times a year. If we didn't do that, the creeks would not be exaggeration.

    LTE #4 - Yep, free ad.

  14. As to the GOP presidential will be finished long before the NC primary, so there is an excellent chance of defeating the stupid amendment.

    I found it amusing that in New Hampshire, "other", whoever that is, got 55% more votes than Ricky boy (1.1% to 0.7%).

    Romney has already said that he thinks he has a chance to win the Palmetto State...we'll see.

  15. Maybe, Wordly. Maybe. My own experience is that anonymous posters are much nastier i.e. our very own Bucky.

    It is kind of interesting to me that most of the conservative posters scattered with the new system, as if they are afraid of being held to account for what they say. Which is hilarious to me, as personal accountability is supposed to be one of their things.

  16. Arthur, you chose to use your real identity. Nobody forced you. You may find out down the road that was a mistake. Employers now ask for names that people have used in the past to post on the internet prior to hiring someone. The reason is because of all of the politically correct liberal people that want to force their political beliefs on others. Employers sometimes will not hire people because of political correctness, not based strictly on a person't ability to do the job.

    I have often thought of telling you that because you're young and just starting out. But because you had already chosen to use your real identity, what would be the use. Some of us are much more savvy, and realize that there a tons and tons of liberal haters out there, and we have choosen to protect our identities.

    It's clear our very own liberal, hater LaSombra/Rielle/NancyDrew/Hag tried to expose my identity in a vain attempt to stop me from posting. She sets a good example of how liberal hate can cause a conservatives problems.

    It's interesting how 'Wordly's' post, and subsequent link supports my position.

  17. Judge Denise Hartsfield had her hearing today. Any bets if the N.C. Supreme Court will strip her of her robes because of her ticket fixing? It was only 80 some tickets she fixed, no big deal right?

    If she were white, she would have been indicted by the feds IMO. But AG Holder is not so much on indicting a sister, even though she's been alleged to have been involved in public corruption.

  18. As eager to show butt.

    The federal government has no jurisdiction in this case, no matter what skin color is on display.

    One wonders if BuckKnot walks around carrying a sign saying "Kick me, I'm stupid!", or if he reserves such behavior for online display only.

  19. This coming from a Forsyth Tech Law School graduate. You don't even know what arson is, so save your dimwitted comments for your ignorant liberal buddies.

  20. "Extreme conservatism is a social disaster. It's anti-black, anti-Muslim, anti-European, anti-gay, anti-indigents, anti-unionist and anti-migrant. Its social vitriol is un-American."

    Joseph Cutri

    Liberal hate is constantly on display in the Journal LTEs.

  21. My beliefs have never been a secret. I don't talk politics in the office, but if an organization won't hire me because I'm a liberal Democrat, then I wouldn't want to work there anyway.

    If by "politically correct" you mean stuff that isn't racist and homophobic, then yeah, I'm politically correct. By all means, post away...I'm not going to stop you, but you can't write what you write and not expect folks to call you on it. For Pete's sake, your whole M.O. is to get a reaction out of people. You shouldn't be surprised when they actually react.

    Anyway, I stand by what I write. Can you say the same?

    1. Arthur, "politically correct" is meaningless; a label, buzz words that ultimately mean "I don't care about your opinion, so I'll put a label on it and file it away into file 13".

    2. I see that we have a new feature, which the always brilliant LaSombra was the first to find. We can now respond directly to an individual post. You go girl!

  22. Good evening, folks!

    I'm not extremely conservative, but I cheerfully accept the anti-union tag, and iquir how unions benefit the present-day economy, considering that they diminish productivity, along with individual rights.

    As for Hartsfield, she deserves to be booted helping her church pals, but let us not wax too indignant, just the same. A lot of Buena Vista types have dodged traffic penalties because of judicial connections over the years.

    1. I like this new feature.

      Hey, cuz Stab, you are so right. I am now into knowing three generations of local judges. Anybody thinks that any of them did not "help out" their pals is living in a dream world. And none of them ever got brought up on any charges.

      And you want to see really serious judicial corruption, travel back to the tobacco strikes of the 1940s. Then a local district court judge sentenced several union pickets to three to four years on the chain gang for "blocking the sidewalk", which was a trumped up charge to begin with.

      Then, when the defendants appealed to superior court, the judge there, who was also in bed with the tobacco companies and the local government, DOUBLED their sentences. The chief union organizer actually served EIGHT years on the chain gang over anti-union blocking the sidewalk bullshit.

      All this over a few cents in raises, which the workers soon got anyway to avoid an outright rebellion in the work force.

      Some of us, including me, have had it way too easy.

  23. Things getting busy in the Gulf, with more carrier battle groups on the way. This is said to be routine, but if F-22s, JSTARS and AWACS planes, and Patriot batteries head that way, get ready. Something is cooking over there.

    1. Nasty stuff, but my friends in the fleet and the Pentagon say not to take it too seriously. They say it is mostly in response to Iran's posturing...threatening US carriers in the area. In other words, a lot of posturing on both sides.

      A big part of this is to keep the Israelis cool. They are the biggest threat in the region, because if they go nuts and decide to launch a nuclear strike at Iran, they could trigger a real nuclear war.

      And it wouldn't take much of a mistake to set the whole thing off.

      Since Obama has handled several crises, especially in Egypt and Libya, far better than the previous administration would have, we have to hope that he can continue in that direction.
