Saturday, January 7, 2012

WS Journal LTE's SA 01/07/12

Good SA, folks! A bit rusty at this, and tired. I hope it posts correctly.

True Americans
After the results of the Iowa primary, I'm pulling for Rick Santorum, who demonstrates traditional family values better than any other candidate. He will pull us back from the liberal abyss we currently waver above.

But if Mitt Romney wins the Republican nomination, I'll vote for him, too. They are both true Americans who believe in the things that made our nation great.

For that matter, I will vote for any of the contenders who receive the nomination.

President Obama was a mistake. One term of his policies is all that we can afford.


Rep. Michele Bachmann has quit her effort to become president. Apparently the Republican body has rejected the attempted titanium spine transplant.


Republicans declare their top priority is to make Barack Obama a one-term president. They know that a flourishing economy would guarantee his re-election. Therefore, they do all they can to slow the recovery from the Bush administration's recession.

President Obama is demonstrably one of the most intelligent and best-educated chief executives in our nation's history. Yet Republicans don't give him credit for one single good idea.

The president's legislative proposals to Congress are declared "dead on arrival" before they arrive. His nominations of highly qualified people to important posts are blocked. His efforts to compromise are spurned, sometimes with insults.

The election of tea-party Republicans in 2010 rendered Congress dysfunctional. It lurches from crisis to self-inflicted crisis. Paralysis of the legislative process is so severe that it is impossible to enact even bills both parties say they want without taking the country to the brink of disaster.

One danger of the GOP strategy of negativity is that if it succeeds, Republicans will implement their "reforms" to make the rich richer at the expense of the dwindling middle class, the poor, the vulnerable and the environment. Another danger is that denigration, obstruction and stonewalling will become so prevalent in politics that thoughtful, civil citizens will not seek to participate in government.

Can representative democracy succeed if negativity turns off voters and potential candidates? Will the United States prosper if the party out of power constantly strives to drag down the administration and, by extension, the country?



  1. Santorum's got the homophobe vote locked up, so now he's going for the dumbass vote. Although there's considerable overlap in that Venn diagram.

  2. I'm baaack. They liked me so much they kept me.

  3. Welcome back, Bob. I take it you're feeling better?

  4. Thanks, yes, much better, My blood pressure dropped to 66/47 on Thursday but all is stabilized now.

  5. Thanks, Arthur, and good night all.

  6. Santorum is going after the Democrat vote. Jeez...I though he was a stand up guy?

  7. What the Hell, Bobby? I go out of pocket for a few days, and you get sick? I'll just have to stick closer.

    No, kidding aside. I hope you feel better.

  8. LTE3:

    "Qualified nominees?" you mean the stooges illegally seated on the NLRB. It is shills like who make me grateful for the filibuster, double- edged sword though it may be. I hope that illegal ploy is taken to court, perhaps by the Chamber of Commerce or National Right to Work Committee. Forget the Senate R's doing anything. They are gutless.
